YesHealth iFarm

We've earned valuable experience operating YesHealth iFarm. The farm reached profitability within three years of opening. In 2022, its leafy vegetable sales alone contributed over 6 million USD to our annual revenue.
We share the know-how that we've accumulated at YesHealth iFarm with our global partners, enabling them to leapfrog their competition, and overcome any immediate challenges they might face in the short term.
More than just a commercial vertical farm, YesHealth iFarm is our headquarters and experiential learning center, welcoming thousands of visitors each month, including students, tourist groups and diplomatic missions.

Supplying Retail and Hospitality
We began supplying Carrefour Taiwan in 2016 with a presence at 5 hypermark stores. As of 2023, our products are available at more than 100 Carrefour, Mia C'bon and Costco stores across Taiwan.
Our store assistants play an important role in educating shoppers about YesHealth iFarm. We also create merchandising and in-store promotions to communicate our brand values.
In the hospitality space, we're a long term supplier of China Airlines via Taoyuan International Airport, along with hotels and restaurants, including Marriott and Mandarin Oriental.

Delivering Directly to Consumers
D2C is our fastest growing channel. YesHealth iFarm's own ecommerce now accounts for more than 50 percent of its revenue, amounting to more than 3 million USD annually.
We deliver fresh produce within hours of harvest. Our logisitics team delivers twice per day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon, directly to our customers' doorstep.
As well as fresh produce from YesHealth iFarm, we also offer organic produce, meat, fish, packaged foods, dairy and non-dairy, health supplements and kitchenware.

Inspiring the Next Generation
Daily tours of YesHealth iFarm introduce visitors to the basics of indoor vertical farming. Visitors can learn about our technology, how it supports a healthy diet, food safety and sustainability.
Many of our core technologies, from irrigation to bio-fertilizers and LED lighting, are introduced in great detail. The tour ends at our restaurant, overlooking the vertical farm.
Our founder and CEO, Winston Tsai often greets restaurant guests. He also gives lectures to school and university groups, hoping to inspire the next generation of agriculture professionals.